Thomas and the other engines are worn out after a long day of work — but not too tired to hear a bedtime story! But which story should Gordon tell? Percy wants to hear about the time he and Thomas got stuck in the mud overnight. And Diesel wants to hear about his snuggly sheep-over with a little lamb that stayed the night. Or maybe they should hear about the time Thomas lulled two sleepy coach cars to sleep with a special lullaby… How will they choose? Settle in for the night with Thomas and friends with this adorable bedtime book featuring 10 sleepy sounds including chirping crickets, sweet snores, and the favorite Thomas song “Chugga Chugga, Snooze Snooze.” Perfect for boys and girls who are fans of the hit Netflix show ALL ENGINES, GO!, Thomas the Tank Engine, or trains and things that go.
All aboard, everyone! It's all engines go as Thomas and his friends work hard and find time to have fun on the island of Sodor.
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